2 Thoughts is Impromptu Mentalism that can be performed with borrowed materials.
2 Participants, one using his conscious process and the other using his unconcious motivations. Just 2 pieces of paper and a pen will allow you to achieve mindreading and precognition with a fun and interesting theme.
For stage or close up, 2 Thoughts can be performed on the spot without previous preparation. Classic thinking reboosted with verbal and psychological finesses
"Impromptu mentalism at the best! With just two piece of paper and a pen you can really perform miracle...my kind of things! Good stuff also this time!!"
Luca Volpe
"I REALLY like Pablo"s 2 Thoughts routine.
I love the way he sells the method. That is excellent.
Simple and lovely!"
Sean Waters
"I just got this... glad I did. Again, some nice thinking from Pablo.
A simple premise, and some cool subtleties.
Paul Shirley
"Very clever ideas contained within...as usual."
Rich Hennessey
"It"s an excellent idea!
I perform mostly in Spanish and like the fact that this can be done with no language problems at all. The psychological premise is indeed a perfect fit for what I do and is extremely easy. I highly recommend 2 Thoughts and all of Pablo"s Billet work!"
Mauricio Jaramillo
"I"ve read 2 Thoughts, and while I roughly knew what I was getting, Pablo has certainly some nice ideas when utilizing this particular type of methodology.
This is certainly something worth knowing for those moments when all you have are 2 bits of paper (napkins, even) and a pen. If you enjoyed Impromptu Prediction, I think you will enjoy this thinking as well.
Thanks Pablo."
Nique Tan
Pages: 18 - 5.8" x 8.25" - PDF FORMAT
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