When USPCC was sold, the box designs changed and what was known as the Rider 808s became known as Standard the old Rider design was a much more practical one for Magicians and a lot of the gaffs and gimmicks still use this old design, which is great if you already own the original cards with the much more appealing and practical rider back on the box.
But if you don’t then these empty boxes will come in very handy, simply replace your Standard Bic box with one of these copies of the old design and you are good to go and have a match for all your old gimmicks or you can use them to make some new or old classic gimmicks the new that can not be achieved with the new standard box design.
Comes one Flat Open card Box Only.
It will ship as flat you need to use little glue to make it a square box.
Please note that you get just ONE BLUE playing card box.
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- Product Code: BCBOXBLUEM
Availability: In Stock
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