In August, we"re starting off with two lecturers for the price of one. You may not have heard of these two before... but that"s because for the past three years, The Other Brothers have been the magical force behind some top named magicians. They"ve also created countless effects, saving the best for only themselves and their audiences. This year all that changed. Not only did you find them lecturing and performing at places like Magi-Fest and Blackpool, they"ve also begun publishing the impressive library of effects that they"ve built up over the years. This duo is not to be missed. We will have them live At The Table, where we"ll have the opportunity to sit down and learn some of this wonderful magic from these two hidden gems.
Closing up August with a BANG is a man infamously known by the world as the "magician who tried to sell weed to a cop". Calen Morelli"s brand of viral magic has made him an internet sensation garnering millions of views, likes, and shares. His break out success has also led him to become the face and hands of a series of Samsung commercials, where he takes his nuanced talent for cardistry and applies it to an entirely different medium... a smartphone. But his incendiary rise to stardom is not without its beginnings. Since the release of his sell-out debut effect "Dresscode", Calen"s made a name for himself as one of the most prolific and refreshing artists in the industry. And this August, we"ll have a rare chance to join Calen Morelli At The Table. We"ll take an in depth look at some of his favorite effects, and find out some of his secrets in building a career in magic. It"ll be an evening you won"t want to miss!
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